Monday, January 28, 2008

Guess what I was playing tonight?

This week's theme is horizontal vs was a rough day today so the fact that I even took a picture today is impressive :)... I love looking at everyone else's blogs and it's more fun when I've participated here ya go....

oh and for those of you who don't know ...this is a guitar from Guitar Hero....

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Word of the Day: Jump

So there's no words in this pic but I think it's so cute (although come to think of it...are we on the next week's theme now? I never know which day I'm supposed to change since we post the night before...well anyways..we'll just go with this)..

I actually got to do one of my four shoots that were scheduled for this weekend...the weather was super nasty yesterday and at the last minute this a.m., my other gal had to cancel, but that's ok....we got some fun shots at this maternity/child/family session....this little guy was quick so I just kept snappin and I was pleasantly surprised to see this's one of my favorites....I'll post more from my session soon....

Oh and just for the heck of's one more of my favorites from today :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008


I was supposed to have 2 shoots today but Mother Nature had other was in the 30s and rainy...yuck! This is the coldest it ever gets here, so nobody was feeling adventurous enough to go out for pics (I wasn't either) I got to stay in my jammies until noon and pea....and then went to Costco w/my parents and grabbed some lunch and got Turbo Tax...came home and did the taxes...then cleaned house and now at 8pm I'm finally getting some dinner...and that is why my pic of the day for today is so lame...haha...but I'm looking forward to diggin into my yummy sandwich while I look at other blogs and comment (my hubby and son ate oysters at the neighbors which I had no desire to do so I stayed home and cleaned)....I was bummed about having to reschedule my sessions but it sure was a nice lazy day...

Hopefully we'll have decent weather tomorrow so I can do my family and maternity shoots...keep your fingers crossed..

Thank you all for the comments the past couple of days...I've been working hard to get to all of your blogs as well :)

Friday, January 25, 2008

Word of the Day: Pal

Don't you just love when you have a crappy day (I mean week) and you come home and an unexpected surprise greets you in the mailbox? One of my really good friends who I haven't seen/talked to much lately (although I've been thinking about her a lot - if she's reading this).....sent me a card because she had heard through my sister that I was having a rough time. A lot of times I'm the one to do nice things for other people...send cards it's really nice to get thought of sometimes and get a surprise :) I'm super excited for the last weekend in February because my sister and my friend Rebecca (card sender) and I are going on a scrapbook retreat in Myrtle Beach with close to 100 other women...we go every year and it is a total blast....
So here's a pic of the card that made my day - please excuse the mess behind it...for some reason I thought the mess in my office wouldn't show up in the picture..haha

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Word of the Day: Fun

Ok I'm back w/the POTD...finally...I've had a lot of things going on and the theme last week wasn't all that exciting to me so I didn't even pick my camera up....

I stayed home from work today (sick) but I also got to hang out with my little man....we had so much fun.....I snapped this pic this afternoon because these stuffed animals were all laying in the living room and I've seen pics like this before and thought it would be fun to get one of T....

Tonight we went to Chuck E Cheese for a little bit and had some more fun....I'm looking forward to this weekend....we're going to play games (which we've been doing a lot lately - just the 3 of us) and hopefully we'll have a movie night......and I have 4 photo shoots!! 1 family, 1 maternity, 1 mommy and me and 1!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Focus on...

Friends and Family.....I love them so much and want to be the best friend, sister, mother, daughter, cousin, wife, etc I can be :)

We had a baby shower today for my friend Ashley at sister hosted it and I helped....the "gift theme" was books so I of course got her baby's first scrapbook (hard cover) super cute....and a gift certificate for a free newborn session..I can't wait to take pics of their sweet baby girl when she gets here...

Here's a pic from the pizza party friend is on the left, my sister is on the right...


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Focus on....

Having another one of these....

Well, sort of...(since this little guy is my nephew and not my son)..but...I pray that 2008 is the year we get to expand our family...I think I posted before about the medical problems I'm having (badly broken leg in May 06 that required a couple of surgeries and is still causing me problems and now a back problem for the last 5 months that they can't figure out..could be related to the leg) I'm in a lot of pain and having to take a lot of medication..(which does not go well with pregnancy)....unfortunately I also gained a lot of weight when I broke my leg and try to get the weight off when I'm in pain all the time and kinda don't give a rip is anyways...I hope I can get healthy and I can get my body back to baby making factory say some prayers for me :)

So back to the photo...this is my nephew...I bought him a new pair of PJs today and after we went out to dinner I brought him home to give him a bath while my sister ran a couple of errands..then I got to give him his bottle and snuggle him up and he fell asleep on me...Thank God for him...the pain of not having another little one yet is a lot easier to get through with his smiling face...isn't he cute?? :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Focus on.....

what's most relationship with the Lord.....

Specifically I want to learn more about my faith and read my Bible and Catechism more (I'm Catholic in case ya didn't notice)....

That's it for me....going to go read a few blogs and post and then sit down with my new Scott Kelby book that came today (yipeeeee) It's the Lightroom book (can't remember the specific title)...

Have a good night....and thanks for the comments...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Focus on....

.....spending more quality time together as a family...this week we implemented playing a game together after dinner...I love my son (and hubby) more than anything, but sometimes I (and my husband) get caught up in day to day things and we're always trying to get things done (i.e. improve my photography, etc) here's a pic from the game Santa brought Anthony....the Scooby Doo Haunted House 3D board's actually pretty darn fun! This isn't the best pic technically, but it'll be a good one for the scrapbook :)

Thanks for any comments...I missed playing yesterday...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sweet Ella

Since it's still hat week, I think...and I've been working on my website all day I didn't have time to take a new I thought I'd show you all this's one of my favorites from a session I did for a friend of mine back in November...
Can you find her? haha

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Handsome Fella....

Here is my handsome hubby (at least I think so :))

He is not a big hat guy...harldy ever wears them, but since it was "hat week" I had him put this one on for a pic since he insisted on buying it about a year ago and told me how much he would wear it...yea I think this is like the 2nd time it's ever gotten any has a 48 Bright Purple Pontiac Streetrod so he thought this hat would go perfect...hmm... was chilly out today and we had oysters with the neighbors tonight..well actually I had a hamburger but I at least hung out w/them....

That's it from to work on my website..yeaaaa...

Friday, January 4, 2008

L'il Harley Dude

So let me give you a quick history here...I am a klutz....I have broken many bones...sprained everything, just generally get hurt/sick a lot..lucky a year and a half ago I fell down 2 steps carrying my friends baby and broke my leg in 4 places (BADLY)....I had to have 2 surgeries and well..that was May06 and it's still not completely healed..when I do things I do them good..haha....well now for the last 5+ months I've been in really bad back pain every single day...going to PT..taking good drugs..haha...having lots of tests done..MRIs, xrays etc....they can't figure out what the problem is but it may be from my leg....soooo...imagine my family's shock tonight when I climbed up on a kitchen chair to get this shot of my nephew...haha...I enjoyed the results I got on my pic yesterday with T so I thought I'd try again tonight with E....they all freaked out and stood near me so I wouldn't fall...who me?!? fall?'s my cutie patootie nephew...yes, these are my only 2 subjects (my son and nephew)...he has such a big head (but not in a bad way) that this Harley hat is an adult hat! But it's so cute on him and it keeps his noggin warm....and the little bomber jacket belonged to my son a few years glad he's getting some use out of that...

Thanks again for all of the comments...they have totally made my day each and every time I visit my site to see if anybody has left me a note.....I've been trying to get to everyone else's each day far I've been fairly successful.. :)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

I can't believe he's cooperating...

A few minutes ago I realized I hadn't taken my POTD so I told my son to go put on his new hat and scarf...and I'd take his picture...he actually cooperated....around here we don't usually need a hat/scarf very often because it's usually 50s or 60s this time of the windchill had us in the teens...brrrr.....I'm from Northern MN originally so I shouldn't be such a wuss but after 9+ years in Southeastern NC the teens feels pretty darn chilly...

In any cutie boy wanted one shot his way..hanging off his bunk bed ladder and I wanted one shot my standing on the ladder taking a pic of him sitting on the floor...I'm trying to work more on my angles and different positions to take pics I'm quite pleased with this one....I was trying to get him to laugh instead of doing the "cheese" smile and gritting his teeth together ...

Thanks for stopping by and as always, thank you for any comments/feedback....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We have a new puppy...

At least that's what my son says every night when he's pretending he's a puppy after bath time....My brother and his wife bought this cute hooded towel for Christmas for Anthony and was supposed to stay at Grandma's house for whichever of the boys got their bath there that night (they do quite often)...well somehow it ended up at our house and now Anthony won't part with I guess I'll be buying another one for Grandma's house...this is considered a hat right? errr...maybe not...but close to the theme...maybe?!?

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!

I have 2 pics for because I was trying to be on theme and actually post on the first day of the year, but I'm not very happy with it technically.....the boys wanted to help me with a hats off picture.. (the big one is my son and the little one is my nephew, although my son thinks he is his little brother..haha)
The second one was with my new 70-200 f2.8 IS L Lens that I'm in love with....if I wasn't already married, I would marry this lens..hahaha......
This pic is of my cutie patootie nephew in the tub....
No need for CC today..I was just trying to get a post in on time...but will post my settings etc in my next post(s)...I'm so looking to participating in the POTD (or W) this year and especially from the beginning..last year I didn't find the peas until February, so something about not starting at the beginning just bugged
Thanks for stopping by and have a happy, healthy 2008!